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    98% of employees believe they
    have the skills to do their job

  • As the Legal industry utilises new technology and artificial intelligence in greater volumes, we envisage people with soft skills will be increasingly in demand.


    The Law Society lists the following core skills a Legal professional should have, as the ability to:

    • Interact with colleagues
    • Build and maintain strong relationships with clients
    • Work effectively as part of a team

    In fact, nearly a large proportion of all Legal employees we surveyed are seeking further training in communication and interpersonal skills. In addition, 14% want to develop their emotional intelligence skills.

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  • Skills employers are seeking


    78% of employers are saying they’re looking for employees who already have good social skills and a large majority are seeking employees with strong emotional intelligence. Therefore, those employees who are developing their emotional intelligence may find themselves in even higher demand.


    Looking for professionals who are great communicators and can work effectively with others is a clear trend for Legal employers, with 33% of businesses we surveyed saying they are seeking employees with these skills.

    Which soft skills would employees
    like more training in?

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  • One way law firms and organisations can ensure they have the essential skills in-house is to focus on having a more diverse workforce. This is an area Legal employers believe needs addressing, with 78% of survey respondents saying their organisation is not very diverse. One 2018 study found that “diversity in the workplace enhances…critical thinking, problem solving, and employee professional skills.

    What soft skills are employers looking for in employees?

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