• After a tumultuous few years, like many other professional services, the Legal industry is having to adopt several new ways of working. Many of the developments the specialism is seeing are around future-proofing organisations.


    According to a report by Thomson Reuters, the biggest trends for businesses in the legal industry are:

    • Moving away from centralised, office-based operations to more flexible working
    • The adoption of technological solutions
    • Focusing inwards on strategic priorities

    More flexible working

    Pre-pandemic, clients may have been more inclined to work around their Legal provider and travel to their offices. However, in a post-Covid world, clients are expecting their Legal provider to be more flexible and visit – or operate in – their location.


    Also, 79% of consumers see having the option of working with a lawyer remotely as an important factor when deciding whether to work with them or not, according to the Legal Trends Report.


    To respond to their clients’ and employees’ changing needs, there has been a shift in the types of employment Legal firms are offering. Many are taking on more contract and part-time staff and fewer full-time permanent workers to be more adaptable, reduce risk and plan for any future upheaval.


    Technological solutions

    Adopting new technologies, such as practice management software, will allow firms to streamline their operations to make them leaner and improve efficiency.


    Not only does it make firms more robust against industry and recruitment changes and allow them to respond to clients’ requirements faster, but it also enables them to cut down spending on physical spaces and assets.


    According to the Law Society, new technology-enabled capabilities are part of a longer-term shift that will be further driven by consumer demand for more remote-enabled legal services.”


    Looking inwards

    Legal firms will need to ensure they have their own processes in order before they start advising and providing guidance to external partners or clients. After a few years navigating the eye of the storm during the pandemic and Brexit, companies and organisations may finally have the time to reflect on the way they conduct business. They will then be able to refine their strategies to meet the current demands of the industry.

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