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    Two thirds of Accountancy
    & Finance employees are
    satisfied in their current job

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    54% are feeling positive
    about their career prospects
    in the next 12 months

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    70% have seen their pay
    rise in the last 12 months

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    58% have asked for a pay rise
    in the last 12 months – and
    over half were successful

  • Positively, over half of Accountancy & Finance employees we surveyed are optimistic about their career prospects over the next year.


    Although, while two thirds of Accountancy & Finance employees told us they are satisfied in their role, this is well below the 84% benchmark of all of the Professional Services specialisms we surveyed.


    Salary appears to be an important factor for many Accountancy & Finance employees, with it appearing as a key reason for job dissatisfaction.


    Other reasons employees listed included; a lack of flexible working, poor management, minimal benefits and not enough opportunities for career growth.

    Reasons for job dissatisfaction

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  • How are employers responding to this?


    To retain talent, nearly three quarters of Accountancy & Finance employers said they are making counter offers to departing employees. 79% of employers also told us that they’ve made more counter proposals in the last 12 months compared to the previous year. Out of those that didn’t counter offer, only one fifth said this was due to a lack of budget.

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    Accountancy & Finance appears to be a candidate driven specialism at the moment, as companies and organisations try to retain and attract the best talent. One fifth of employers we surveyed said they are struggling to recruit new staff due to competition from other employers. Also, 43% of employers stated that they’ve seen applicants with unrealistic salary expectations.


    Therefore, there appears to be a slight disparity between salary expectations and the remuneration employers feel they’re able to offer departing workers and new talent.